Tag Archives: plastic waste

What is Biodegradable plastic and why it’s a must for Environmentally Conscious Brand?
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Many people wonder how to reduce plastic waste in pandemic situations like now, where the plastics necessity is increasing every minute. Plastics have been used in a wide variety of goods to meet human needs, from tableware, packaging, household appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, electronic equipment, vehicles, and even clothes. Plastics are commons because […]
Choking Our Marine Habitat with Plastic Waste
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Most of us living in this industrialized world might find it very difficult to let go of our dependence on plastic packages. Without realizing it, we create a terrifying amount of plastic debris that makes its way to the ocean. Isn’t it ironic that in the end, this dependence means that we are literally eating […]
Study on Use of Plastic Waste to Pave Roads Under Way
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One way of preventing plastic waste from wreaking havoc on the environment is by discovering innovative ways of using it for beneficial purposes. Malaysia is currently carrying out a study on the use of plastic waste as a component, along with asphalt, for resurfacing roads. Other countries like India have already experimented with its use […]
India Announces Plastic Waste Import Ban
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The Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has amended the country’s Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules to include a prohibition of solid plastic waste import into the country. According to a statement from the Indian government, the move, announced March 6th, was enacted “In order to strengthen the implementation of environmentally sound management of […]
Philippines Survey Shows ‘Shocking’ 60 Billion Sachets Disposed Yearly as Plastic Waste
By administrator | World News | No Comments
An audit in the Philippines has shown the country uses a “shocking” amount of single-use plastic disposed as plastic waste, including nearly 60 billion sachets a year, a new report said Friday. The report, produced by the NGO GAIA, is part of an effort to collect data on plastic consumption as environmentalists push for government action to […]